
Overview of all events

Our interactive event series, ‘Democracy Reform Conversations’, is a continuation of our earlier series, ‘Conference Conversations’, in which our experts talk with high-level guests about how to make democracy and decision-making more legitimate, participatory, and effective in Europe. Find out about previous and upcoming events here.

The sixth edition of online EU Democracy Reform Conversations brought five young European leaders to discuss what themes and topics concern young citizens before the European elections.
In the fifth edition of Democracy Reform Conversations, the speakers discussed the political and institutional obstacles to citizen-led EU reform. Members of the European Parliament Sandro Gozi, Associate Director and Head of the European Politics and Institutions Programme at EPC Dr. Corina Stratulat, Director of Studies at EPC Janis Emmanouilidis, and Project Manager at Bertelsmann Stiftung Andrey Demidov explored what prevents the EU from taking citizen participation seriously, despite all the achievements and evidence.
The fourth edition of Democracy Conversations featured the conversation between the Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs Tiago Antunes and two of the Observatory experts – Senior Advisor at Bertelsmann Stiftung Dr. Dominik Hierlemann and Associate Director and Head of the European Politics and Institutions Programme at EPC Dr. Corina Stratulat.
The third edition of Democracy Conversations brought together eminent experts to discuss the biggest challenge currently on the EU agenda – the EU reform. The debate on the EU reform is evolving rapidly, and more and more concrete proposals shape it.
In the second edition of Democracy Conversations we turned to the question what is next for European democracy beyond elections. The European elections 2024, the major milestone and test for the European democracy, is fast approaching.
The first edition of Democracy Conversations, a series of interactive online events on topics most crucial for European democracy and its reform, launched the EU Democracy Observatory and discussed the EU's current standing in terms of citizen participation after the first generation of European Citizens Panels on food waste, learning mobility, and virtual worlds completed their work.